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Getting the work done
"In my four years as Mayor, I've made it clear that Bloomington will invest our resources in efforts that reflect our community values and priorities, and that we will excel at the nuts-and-bolts of municipal government. From public safety, to parks and trails, to outstanding financial management, I'm proud to say we've done just that. Bloomington's reputation as one of the best run cities in the State of Minnesota is the result of strong leadership, a top-notch city staff, engaged and passionate residents, and effective partnerships with community and business groups. The recipe for success is clear and it's one that I will continue to follow as Mayor."
Public Safety
Crime and public safety have always been and will continue to be a top priority of the City of Bloomington. Our Police Officers and Firefighters are second to none and we're investing in their success. Bloomington is making the move to a hybrid full-time and paid on call Fire Department, and we've added police officers for the first time in a decade. Bloomington crime statistics are at a five year low.
Managing Your Money
Bloomington's financial reputation is something to be proud of. Out of almost 19,500 cities in the United States, Bloomington is one of less than three dozen cities that have AAA bond ratings from Moody's, Standard & Poors, and Fitch. The impact on the cost of borrowing, long-term financial security, development potential, and Bloomington’s reputation cannot be overstated. Bloomington is the only Minnesota city with three AAA bond ratings.
Parks and Trails
Bloomington residents love their parks, and with 97 parks covering more than 3,700 acres, 25 miles of street trails, and 13 miles of park trails, it's easy to see why. Bloomington's new Park System Master Plan was developed with extensive community involvement and will guide park improvements and set priorities in our park system for years to come. The plan does a great job of incorporating natural resources, trails, and new park amenities which are top priorities in the Master Plan.
A Strong Business Community
There is exciting work underway to cultivate a strong and enduring business community in Bloomington. We restructured the Port Authority, adding resources that allows the Port to expand their work of growing the city's tax base, promoting and attracting high-quality jobs, and supporting economic development. Our new Small Business Development Center - a top priority in our city survey of businesses - will cultivate new business and lift up aspiring entrepreneurs. And the Bloomington Workforce Steering Committee is a public-private partnership between the City and regional and business leaders with the goal of creating 12,000 new jobs in Bloomington by 2027.
The Environment
Bloomington's work in the area of sustainability is getting noticed. The City's new Bulky Items Management Program reduces the amount of material going to landfills and offers residents creative ways to put old items to a new use. The program was recognized with a League of Minnesota Cities Sustainable City Award! In 2022, the City launched two energy disclosure programs to address climate change with more than 1,000 households and 85 of Bloomington's largest buildings participating. And more than 5,600 households are composting curbside as part of our curb-side organics recycling program.
Engagement and Transparency
The City of Bloomington has never done more in terms of community engagement, transparency at City Hall, and connecting with residents. From televising all City Council meetings, to monthly publication of the Bloomington Briefing, to an unmatched amount of information available on-line, to the Bloomington Community Outreach and Engagement Division, the City of Bloomington involves and consults with residents like never before.